BOUNDARY Prima System 多功能背囊Prima 系統的適應性儲存和模組化組件為您的個人、照片和技術裝備提供簡單的攜帶解決方案,讓生活更加舒適。這款模組化背包容量為 30 公升,配有帶襯墊的筆記型電腦套和各種口袋,可存放各種尺寸的裝備。隨附的相機包和筆記型電腦套可單獨使用,也可與 Prima 一起使用,以在您最需要時擴展存儲空間和功能。
Prima System 多功能背囊可與其它模塊搭配使用: Camera Cube 相機包 MK-1,點此加購
The airback very nice solid n good quality, if it can make lighter will be perfect, on the other hand the weight scaler just an extra benefits to the backpack, personally can just use traditional handle will be nice. But still concludes it's a very good back pack